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Fine Arts in our School

Welcome to the Saint Joseph Parish School Music Department. We are delighted to teach music to all students at our school.   Mrs. Robin Smithberger is joining us as our K-8 new music teacher! Mrs. Libby  Saxton and Mrs. Kauffman will be assisting Mrs. Smithberger throughout the school year. Read below to discover the exciting ways our students experience music in the various grade levels.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!" (Psalm 100)


In the Elementary School Music classroom, the students experience and learn the fundamentals of music.


General Music class is offered in grades K-5

  • Singing

  • Playing classroom instruments

  • Rhythm

  • Moving

  • Learn about famous composers and their music

Beginning Band will be offered in grades 4 & 5.

  • This is a year-long commitment, decided at the beginning of the school year

  • These will be pull-out lessons. The students will gather by grade level and instrument family during non-music instructional time and the students will never miss the same class week by week. The students will have individualized instruction to help prepare them for band class in middle school!

  • Instruments are rented from Rettig Music with a variety of instruments offered. The cost is at the family’s expense.


*Students will have music class once per week.


Recorder Concert

  • This year, we will offer the recorder in both 3rd and 4th grade,  and continue with only 3rd grade in future years.

Christmas Programs

  • K-3 – Christmas Songfest

  • 4 & 5 – Lessons & Carols

    • The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. In this service, we listen to nine Scripture lessons which recount the Fall, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News.

In the middle school music classroom, the students are given opportunities to express themselves creatively through a few options. Students will meet twice per week for music class.


6th Grade

  • Band

    • This is a year-long commitment, decided at the beginning of the school year.

    • Students may join as beginners in 6th grade or as past students from 4th or 5th grade.

    • Instruments are rented from Rettig Music with a variety of instruments offered. The cost is at the family’s expense

  • 1st Semester will be split into two -  9 week sessions. The students will spend 9 weeks in Hand Chimes and 9 weeks in Choir

  • 2nd Semester – students will select either Hand Chimes or Choir for the remaining school year.

7th & 8th Grade

  • Band

    • This is a year-long commitment, decided at the beginning of the school year.

    • Students may join as beginners or as past students from previous grades.

    • Instruments are rented from Rettig Music with a variety of instruments offered. The cost is at the family’s expense.

  • Choir

    • Students will learn technique and to sing in a group for liturgical services.

  • Hand Chimes

    • Students will learn to play in an ensemble and participate in Church services and concerts.

  • General Music

    • Students will explore various topics of the music world.

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