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"Students entering Central Catholic High School from Saint Joseph Sylvania arrive service-oriented, spiritually connected, and academically prepared for the rigors of a college preparatory course load.  They transition well into our learning community and are ready for the challenges of the next level of their education."

“Through her kindergarten year, I watched my daughter grow as a student and a young Catholic.  She began taking responsibility for her own learning and asking questions about her faith.  I watched her become a “reader and a writer” and a student who was interested in the world around her.  I credit her growth and faith development to the faith-filled environment of her kindergarten classroom and her teacher Sr. Rosemarie.  My daughter felt safe enough to ask questions and occasionally make mistakes, but she understood that she wasn’t alone and everyone at school would support her.”

“St. Joe’s students who attend Northview High School or Southview High School arrive well-prepared academically and socially for their high school experience. St. Joe’s strong academic program, coupled with a faith-based framework, enables St. Joe’s graduates to excel in the classroom and contribute to the positive climate at Sylvania high schools. SJS grads also assume active roles in community service projects. The faculty and support staff of SJS should be proud of the high school achievements of their graduates.”
-  Brad Rieger, Superintendent, Sylvania Public Schools

“We have chosen to send our children to St. Joseph School because it teaches them about our Catholic faith. Beyond providing life’s basic necessities to our children, passing on our belief and faith in Jesus is our most solemn calling as parents. The teachers, staff, and community at St. Joseph School partner with us in this important endeavor.  The Catholic faith is fostered and nourished through preparation for and participation in the Sacraments, and through daily prayer. These are integral activities at St. Joe’s.  All daily activities are immersed in an environment of Christian values and a common language of faith. This provides a vital context for learning. This Catholic backdrop offers a meaning to education that prepares children to hear and respond to God’s unique call to each of them.”


"St. Ursula Academy is proud to continue the academic and spiritual foundation begun at Saint Joseph Parish School Sylvania. We welcome Saint Joseph graduates into our community of empowered young women who will not only become prepared for college and life, but will also learn to embrace a growth mindset that will enhance their abilities to take on new challenges and give them the confidence to become the best women they can be."  -Mary Werner, President and Saint Joseph Parishioner 

“We have entrusted St. Joseph School with our children because we feel that it provides the best environment to challenge them academically, while creating a strong spiritual foundation on which they can build their future.  Our hope is that whatever they do in life and wherever they go, they will be provided the knowledge to succeed and the strength to live with reverence to God, their Creator.”

“St. Joe’s Sylvania does an outstanding job educating students.  Students are not only academically very strong, but many are confident leaders when they graduate.  I would recommend St. Joe’s Sylvania to any family interested in an outstanding Catholic education.”
- Brad Bonham, Principal of St. John’s Jesuit

The staff, administration, and community of Saint Joseph Parish School truly are the best…and one that we have been blessed to be a part of for 14 years! We can honestly say that we can't imagine our children going anywhere else…nor would we want them to. The dedication and compassion this community has for its students is truly amazing. The love for each and every student is what puts it in a league of its own. Saint Joseph Parish School is what it is today because of its commitment to the academic and spiritual growth of its students. It is what makes SJPS the best in the area. The students are challenged academically and are well-prepared as they head off to high school.

 If you are questioning making the commitment to send your children to SJPS, just attend one of the weekly All School Liturgies. It is a most amazing and uplifting experience seeing all the students, kindergarten through eighth grade, coming together and celebrating their Faith.

 As our youngest graduates this year, we can truly say we will miss being a part of SJPS on a daily basis; but we know, we will always be a part of Saint Joe's, as the teachers and staff have become not only our friends but our family.   

 -Brent and Sandy Gilley

“The St. Joseph School (Sylvania) graduates who attend St. Francis de Sales are consistently among our top academic achievers, voted by their peers to be leaders in the school, and chosen as Knights of Honor for their qualities as Christian gentlemen.  The education these young men receive at St. Joseph’s prepares them very well for the challenges of the rigorous curriculum they are faced with at St. Francis, a premiere college preparatory high school.  St. Francis is able to build on the foundation they have received at St. Joseph as they strive to “be who they are and be that well” in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales.” 
- Eric Smola, Principal, St. Francis de Sales High School

"The firm foundation young women receive from St. Joseph Sylvania enhances Notre Dame Academy in so many ways.  They are brilliant leaders in student government, in clubs, and on the athletic field.  They are bold academic achievers with a global perspective.  They are beautiful in expressing their self-confidence in art, music, and on the stage.  They are blessed with compassionate hearts because of the Catholic formation they received from St. Joseph.  They are empowered young women competent and ready to take on the challenge of a college-prep high school."
-  Mrs. Kim Grilliot, Principal, Notre Dame Academy

“Saint Joseph in  Sylvania has been our partner in Catholic Education for decades.  Their graduates are not only leaders academically, they are also assets to our institution.  In short, they make us better.  The work they do at SJPS changes lives.”

-Fr. Joseph Newman OSFS, Vice President St. Francis de Sales School

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